Osteotomy of the Chin
The chin is the bony protrusion at the bottom of your face. The position, shape, or contour of your chin has a significant effect on your facial appearance. Any deformity of the chin can be corrected by osteotomy procedures.

What is an osteotomy of the chin?
Chin osteotomy is a surgical procedure performed to correct the deformity of the chin. It will reshape the chin and jawline for those born with a receding or protruding chin, an underdeveloped chin, or abnormalities from injury. It is also considered a cosmetic surgery performed to improve the facial appearance. It can be performed either alone or in combination with other jaw-related surgeries. The procedure is also known as functional genioplasty, where the jaw bones are cut to reshape (shorten or lengthen) or realign the chin.
When is chin osteotomy recommended?
Chin osteotomy is recommended as a cosmetic procedure for those who are concerned about the appearance of their chin.
Surgeons may recommend chin osteotomies to correct the following conditions:
- Misaligned or asymmetrical chin
- Serious facial injury
- Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and associated issues with the jaw
- Birth defects like retrognathia (unusual position of the mandible, pulled back or receding chin) and microgenia (malformed or underdeveloped jawline by birth)
What are the pre-procedure care for the surgery?
After the consultation and decision about the surgery, the surgical team will give you pre-operative information on what you should do and know before the procedure. Some of the pre-procedure measures include:
- A surgeon may order an X-ray study to determine the underlying structure of your chin and to plan the appropriate technique to meet the surgical outcome you desire.
- A surgeon will also review your medical history and current health status.
- You may be asked to temporarily stop certain medications, which may cause complications during the procedure.
- You will be asked to avoid solid foods for at least 6-8 hours before the procedure as they may interact with the anesthesia, causing nausea and vomiting.
How is the surgery performed?
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep throughout the procedure. After the anesthesia is administered, the surgeon will make an incision either under the chin or inside the mouth to expose the defective chin bone. The position of the bone and severity of the damage are evaluated.
Based on the evaluation, the surgical technique is finalized. It may involve either cutting or removing a piece of the chin bone, placing chin implants around the existing chin bone, or repositioning the bone supporting the chin. If chin implants are used for the procedure, the implants are shaped to fit in the right position and are fixed permanently using metal plates and screws.
Once the procedure is complete, the incisions are closed with sutures, and the gum inside the mouth is stitched using dissolvable stitches. These stitches may take a fortnight to fall out.
What is the post-procedure care?
The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, so you can go home the same day of the surgery. But in cases of serious diseases or traumatic injuries, a hospital stay may be required. Before discharge from the hospital, you will receive a set of instructions for post-surgical care specific to your procedure and medications. Post-procedure care may include:
- Mandatory liquid or soft diet for a week following the surgery.
- Take pain medications and antibiotics as instructed for short-term pain relief and to decrease the risk of infection.
- You may experience swelling around the area, which will resolve without any treatment.
- Scheduled follow-ups should not be missed, where the progress of healing is assessed.
By following the surgeon's instructions, most patients are able to resume their normal activities two weeks after the procedure. A full recovery could take up to six weeks.
Osteotomy of the chin is a successful procedure where the chin abnormalities are corrected, thereby providing better balance to the facial features. It can alter the overall look and symmetry of the face and create an aesthetically pleasing facial contour. The procedure involves either inserting an implant or moving or reshaping the chin bones. Most of these implants will last for a lifetime. Congenital chin defects can also be corrected using this procedure.